- Create Mouldings, Wood Siding, Stone Masonry, and Metal Siding on building walls
- Options for wainscot and multiple level cladding
- Multiple cladding location options: 2 level, 3 level, gables,..
- Cladding options in include stone, masonry, batten, bevel, plank, shingle, log, dovetail log, half log, corrugated metal, more...
- 23 scalable stone/masonry patterns
- 56 example preset styles
- Sample material textures are included
- Several moulding options for Base, Chair Rail, Crown, and Gable moulding or use your own profile.
- Materials can be added during creating the Cladding or added/changed after the creation. Textures are oriented to the cladding elements
- Choose from many preset styles or create custom user style library
- Supports all SketchUp units: Metric, Feet/Inches, etc.
- Menu options supported with both thumbnail and enlarged images.
- An internet connection is required for using this extension.

This extension is offered as a yearly subscription. An internet connection is required for its use.
Yearly Subscription: